Monday, 24 March 2014

Days you hope for Russian invasion with an alien Pilot called Putin

I love my country too. No, but you don't show it. You are not a real cadre. In fact now that we have become experts at legislation the next thing in my diary is to force all you schlemiels to love your country. No listen to me young don't talk when I am talking, I am a cadre, I know what I am talking about. In fact you kids are just wasteful, no elections for 2016..Bahati prepare a Bill on that ASAP. You could bet the Amama camp didn't see this one coming. Just when they essay to bring the man's head-shot on the ballot paper and debate whether to use a slasher or a banana for his campaign mascot; the chess master is three moves ahead, as he often is anyway but this time it is not the least of elections after all, so you can as well go eat your petty party structures. Mrs Amama, naye this craze for being first lady, if your husband likes you, should it matter that you stay in Nakasero? babes can want.

We all need Kyankwanzi to teach us pretty much everything about everything. If I may ask, who teaches Kyankwanzi and how does one use a degree in patriotism and love for the country BA/Scie PLC first class Hons? What happened to Mchaka mchaka..Okay they ranted warrior chants and carried wooden guns while footslogging on slopes. That makes for a MAUMAU sorta novel manuscript but did you say it was part of patriotism curriculum? Wow.. the things tax payer's money is meant for can mean to be addling at times but again what do I know. You might think the law has answers to everything but guess what? Lukwago is out of office and bye elections are well underway...what say you?

Eventually we have a Disney nurtured generation. Finally we  posit in aliens so much so that we have relapsed to the ultimatum that what escapes our technology can only be by Alien invasion. Ya , though it makes Al Jazeera news, it is not a matter of great concern that MH
370 was raptured. That word? no not in that sense...the aliens will tell us later. We need to invest some brains in studying alien languages. This time the plane was not American so we do not need to be so perturbed. Maybe they send the earthquakes too, and the tsunamis and the typhoons..Interesting how a culture can be built about something enough to gain validation in high places. Guardian angels to Santa clause to the elf and now aliens. TGE

Speaking of America, as if the cold war scales could be on a least expected twist. So that tycoon is sold his shares in Apple and facebook and buying Alibaba what? who even uses that site (more than a billion people actually) Ya right. Snowden must have seen it coming and while we detest colonialism for the most part, Crimea would rather Kiss Putin's toe than continue the hugging motions with Ukraine. So what is Big brother US planning to do about this? Just go and  fix every body's backyard because truth be told you have your house well in order. Rant all you want about your referendum quorum legalism but unless you can stand up to the Russian barrel challenge you might as well use your summits for bathroom paperwork!

We could pass all the laws we want about everything and everyone, sometimes rightly so, sometimes out of sheer boredom and lack of meaningful intellectual adventure. On a daily, there are bound to be things that even technology cannot explain and it will at least manage to create a scapegoat which seems to be the only unexplored dimension. While that is happening, another Napoleon Bon is making a name for himself as a Russian Tsar of the millennium and Ugandans are doing what they do best-effortless comedy. Okay, guys can we get this over with already?

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Prof. Dr. Rtd. JSC Hon. MP, Sr. citizen GW Kanyeihamba v NRM Rebel MPs #>400 million!

Dancing has never been every man's posho but whatever it is that we do, we always hope to secure a home arena and then go on to establish our laurels right on that table. So if you decide that you want to be a professional, a lawyer or any other, then go ahead, burn those midnight candles and have all the paper trail there is to fit in your portfolio. Do all the wonders that your feeble vanity can muster and stand to make a fool of your peers for their measured inadequacy. Is it not in the shortfalls of those around us that we can possibly notice the slight difference in our areal view?

After you are done writing all A kicking political, legal books whatever category they ultimately fall in. After you are done juggling the blackboard, the bar, the August House and the bench; in all colors and shapes. After you have got your head full with all the flavors of vanity fair that there are, after you have surmounted all the echelons of a surreal livelihood; after all is said and done, the world should realize that you are not done yet. If not anymore for the intellectualism that you churn out, for the drama that is still reeled in raw.

So you switch sides and start praying to the same throne you once occupied and oh boy who would blame the sweaty hands this stark change in roles can seduce. For both parties it is not the easiest of circumstances. Do we address you as your Lordship, or just senior counsel or Professor? By the way those tantrums you are throwing to your team mates, how about that? Do we say contempt of Court, hostile counsel or something else you would have easily handed out from the other side of the fence. Since you are sure everything you say is bound to be published, then you are perhaps all the more competent to lash at every scintilla of errant behavior that crops up in every corner. Or is it just a matter of unrelenting principal.

Maybe it is possible to make a Kick A advocate in one's 80's. Senility might as well be just a mental notion. We are not about to assume that virility has an age bracket as far as intellectual debate is concerned but yet again you tend to think that some stereotypes are not necessarily unfounded. Sometimes one wonders whether too much attention and reverence given to some quarters of the patriarchs has a chemical component that it marinates in their emotional dockets. This is Africa and as usual when an old man sneezes, the cold is there for the taking. Perhaps too, it is an African thing that we never consider nursing homes and in the very least quite retirement in the countryside when the clock gets to the evening watches.

Now you stomp out of your clients' good graces; not that you need their butter anyway, but is it not a question of professionalism at some point. You probably brought that out in your lectures at some once upon a time T but again, you make the law, you change the law; the rest of us just dance to the tune. Now that you cannot embalm their cause, you might as well add injury to insult and sue them for 400 mills. That is surely a job well done and we are doing nothing less than appreciate your expert interpersonal skills seasoned by a century of ego diets. They have been labelled rebels so you might as well go with the wind.

Prof Kanye (East oba?!) Sir, finally we get it, your legacy too; has a price and the tag reads 400 million. Good luck with the inflation though.

ION #..Don't you love how we are now all experts of Lupita Nyong'o and the Oscars. Congs btw, still making all of us proud. Too bad arsenal is back to chasing fourth place!!!