So African leaders are rich enough to do their countries a favour. Mr. X liberates country Y from the worst political cum economic history (apparently) and after 25 + years of doing the dirty work of rebuilding the nation (presumably) this is the state of affairs.
- It is still important that a resolution be passed to ensure that Mr. X faces no competition from his household in forthcoming elections. It is still important that Mr. X falls out with his closest ally if just to make sure that there remains one bull in the kraal.
The worst though, for soccer lovers could have been the no guarantee on D day that the crucial matches would be broadcast on National TV reason being that the TV station which enjoys gigantic acreage in the heart of the city and gleans from the coffers of the tax payers could not afford the cost. Okay, it perhaps could be that Kabakumba Matsiko still has the crucial mast required or other undiscovered help yourselves but world cup is world cup. As usual though, Moses does not always dwell too far from the chosen people, so just in the heat of the moment a Mr. X came from Median and cleared the bill. (Now even the sports fans have his attention).
Wow! or yikes? It helps to have a president who is richer than his country. Then you are sure you will watch world cup and he can afford the exorbitant fees of running ads between sections of the game. No, these are not ads about tourism or transport, unity, national ids and the like. Not by any scintilla of expectation. They are ads about how "we" appreciate the work done and how we pledge to keep the support brimming; thanks to the benevolence of paying for our world cup. Uganda cannot afford to screen the world cup, but the President can, how cool is that?!
No we are not bothered that the budget does not care to balance the income imbalance. That the betting, drinking and smoking can go on lax, but mobile money, paraffin (kerosene for some), food stuffs and the likes of basic needs have to be milked. He who does not have, even the little will be siphoned away. The dust has not settled and you need a quick buck off parliament for the budget advance because certainly some things are too urgent to be properly accounted for. And of course, you are preaching house hold incomes and you are sure what agriculturalists cannot handle about NAADS, retired army officers will. You told them to read sciences, they read agriculture but guess what?, they will have no jobs in NAADS because that is a retirement benefit reserve of the cadres!! How sustainable!
Obama can keep his money, if his price is moral then we shall plead the fifth. That though is in the hope that the Kyankwanzi resolution will be rational with the resources that we have. Those with Swiss accounts always go out un singed yet they are the policy makers. Why do I whine on, is it not an African proverb that when the elephants fight it is always the grass to suffer?
Ghandi did it, that Singapore man did it, Mandela did it, Obama did it.... (did what? ) Obama really? in that nation transformation thread? He is black we get it, but what has he done to be equaled to Ghandi again?? (anyone?) (Okay the wife has a bring back our girls TV ad, but we haven't seen a rain of drones the Iraq of Libya type yet.) (Why is Kagame not in the ad?)
Anyway the bla bla did it ad is on Super Sport somewhere. Of course Nigeria is richer than Uganda (is not Spain) so it is obvious that Good luck Jonathan can afford an ad of his prowess there on. The blubbery is not in less flattering terms unfortunately.
Thank you our dear Presidents. While you continue to think you are doing us favours by doing your national duty, there are nice looking M piglets paraded at parliament, making statements here and there. They do not represent all of our views because some of us do not care to have any, but they should remind you that we seek to contribute to your manifesto. What we have we give, we know you like yellow, so we package it as such. We may not afford Ipads and luxury cars but we have piglets from NAADs.
Please accept the token of appreciation.