When they say that the historicals and pseudo NRM die hards have earned tickets to a Kyankwazi dainty fair, be ye informed that that is more than just a refresher course on what it means to be patriotic. Be ye informed my friend that the President is gonna do a red carpet moment on a boat with neither a life jacket nor alternative protective gear of any kind in complete contrast to his charge Amama, kinda like motioning to the boda boda guys on why they still bother with helmets. Moving swiftly on, I think a Kyankwanzi potion (Rabadaba shut up am not talking to you) has a lot to play politically moving forward. Nothing else could get civil servants to be more focused on the rarefied ten point program that believe you me is as relevant as it ever could have been in 1986. I was not born then but I have read about it and that makes me an expert on our political history if it lends any credence to my incumbent apologetics.
While you still are wondering about how the web of the 2016 elections is going to be woven, now that Besigye looks like he has slipped his opposition margin, his successors all looking like they are another bunch of KFC projects; and I doubt Mr. Otuunu has eventually decided to vote himself at least...now that opposition in Parliament is clutched in personal vendettas of making the shadow cabinet, whatever use that is...now that we think we do not even need to waste our budget on elections because either way we know who wins...Now that Mr. Bukenya with all his Museveni wanna be antics, hat and rolling eyes notwithstanding; has decided to cable a tirade of sour grapes. Now that Amama seems to be as loyal as man's best friend, now that we doubt Nambooze will ever go for the high office..Like seriously, that was even on the table.
There is still one lil bi**h in the mix, and that is the law. So we have amended the constitution once before to affect term limits but again, posterity seems to be out of favour with us as far as this lil book and it's wig wielding guards go. Simple, how about a Bill to extend a few more years to finish and consolidate our noble work; including but not limited to, restoring peace in Juba, making sure Kony does not return, and wait a minute..hoping someone else catches a vision...it has taken us twenty something year to find a successor, but believe yo me we are doing our best. ( I am positive Wenger would agree)

Uganda ..oh Uganda, everything about us just has to come with some drama, we are that good. I bet you statements are made, and history is made. We are no longer just about Kony, and mountain gorillas...we also make law duh!!! and some stage of our making process gets decided on a private ranch somewhere in Kyankwanzi; but technicalities aside, we get the work done, scientific evidence and all.
Thanks to Kyankwazi, Obama could go hang, China or Russia might not disagree..but above all my dear Ugandans when 2016 does come like it sure will, remember what Kyankwanzi has done for you, remember the good, you do not wish to give that up as yet.