“So this guy ..kale bi guy bimanyira, mbu…kyoka..hmmn, he thinks because he’s hot and rich and simanyi wot he can just walk up to me and…” Rita started
“First tell me babe, how did you meet, was it on campus or somewhere else?”, Tracy cut in.
“Met?, be serious, have you heard me talk about him before?”, Tracy shook her head if for anything to let her friend skip to the more juicy aspects of the conversation. “ me I was just in the common room and I saw the guy coming in and start jazzing me, kale of course my heart was beating fast, coz the guy is tall and u know…bur, I didn’t want to show him that I was that easy, you know” Rita said.
“ So yo playing hard to get, with a dude like that? Com ooon”, Tracy rolled her eyes and waved some hand formation to whom it may concern. “ May be you’ve met somewhere and you just don’t remember".
Tracy stood up from the bed, headed to the dressing mirror and started re aligning her plaits. “ Nope, it just happened… kinda too good to be true, you know how guys be “. Rita spoke with a laid back confidence that nerve pressed Tracy.
“ What if you never see him again, you could at least have been nice, you know, just casual” Tracy said, as she browsed through her phone then reached for the photo app, tilted the gadget slightly angled from the chin until the replica was flattering enough, pout and click.
“ Bur you chick and selfies?”, Rita said turning to admire the photo that Tracy was grid-editing through.
“ Owaye, Sinz’eyalet’enakku”, the other said with a slight ring of cynicism.
They laughed at no particular joke.
In the parking lot, Goldie waved down the windows for some air then raised them again before pressing the auto button. He was not really waiting on anyone but just taking his time to leave. What was the hurry? He glanced at the lit windows some floors up and knew Rita to be in one of those rooms. Off the car radio, John Legend continued to croon in fantasy.
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