Thank you for this courtesy call Mr. Mugarura Eric. You ask, should, we wed? I say shouldn't we bet?
It could well be a tale told by a rambunctious hapless lank who never launches the ship he has spent his whole life building upon the beautiful and tempestuous seas!

It could well be the forlorn soliloquy conjured up by the Chis- Kom lov ting, that is not to in anyway surmise that I believe any part of the story. When the Queen mother, (no wonder she is called Best) decided to back her daughter in marrying this stranger-descendant of an African slave, there were mixed feelings. Neo-colonialism, Obamarism or the green card syndrome has had its prime but me thinks who am I to judge. Lil wild beauty of the Babito; globe trots ( thanks to our late king of kings (sic) RIP...oba) and lands on a Vegas bound bloke for the dock! She was perhaps too royal to do a ka Bad Black, she probably didn't need the dime, but again that is all we can gain from edited media. 11 months and we just sing.( we were young when I first saw you...Taylor Swift please be like Adele and do a few break up songs or do you already?)
Anyway Mr. E, I am not sure uncle Neri..what? (Nerima Nelson) is potent specimen for a four by six zero grazing UNEB practical exam, but again I could be wrong. That guy is better left in Kagugube torture chambers mole setting bar course students. Captain Dollar has his way of remaining in motion towards the southern hemisphere via pirated beats and unsuspecting talk radio high school fans. Me thinks he like you tries to strip off the armor foisted by others. It is disarmingly humble of you to feign guilt over your lapse of 20/20 vision but whether that exonerates a short of the bull's eye discernment; I preserve my humble verdict just for the mere incubation of your petulant self-esteem.
If you like it put a stone around it. My conviction is inspired by a combination of boyish naivete, faith yet undaunted by life's dents and dings in this formidable task of facing the giants. Whether it is a modest snore, a rotten egg inspired passing off in the rear, life has it's ugly heads that it rears every once so often. One aspect of being a beast of burden is resigning to the fact that however big you grow, you privates dangle in the jungle for even the young to see. (Ask our four legged friends). Someone will have to put up with your Tusker motivated breath, someone will raise the children that you harvest from your wild oats...someone will nurse you when you get the rich man's disease (HIV). Someone will pay the price, because my boy, those Zuma and Mswati merry go rounds have their domino effect,they trickle down to effect the pain on uninviting inhabitants of the collateral geography. (call it neighbour principle).
Some of these things are strikingly resonant of an epiphany of life changing proportions. Do not pretend to be a boy scout when you are not one because claustrophobic tendencies will creep in at their own appointed intervals to snuff out the vain confidence you so dearly clutch to. it may well just be a boat of straws.

Despite my preference for sobriety, I am not oblivious to the booming production of bitter CH (lowercase2) O. Speke road has been a constant streak of genital merchandise (citation Mugarura Eric) whether I am a customer or not. Sometimes you think you are setting yourselve above the knuckle heads for all too obvious prospects.
I say let us give the brave ones a breather. All we turn out to be is a bus load of critics or better still armchair quarter backs so without a whack of the reality check. After all, we are wild and free or are we? There is great beauty in marriage and if you ask me, I say ; the loser is the man who never chisels the marbel to release the beauty he sees within, a man who never risks challenging his mind and committing himself wholeheartedly to the endeavors for which he was made.
Hope this puts the aisle fest rest.
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