It was faintly innovative of Chameleon to pen down a track in the above style a while back. Whoever it was he was trying to hit at for being unappreciative we cannot say for certain but it worked. The song caught the eyes of a few notables with rumours of the President YKM buying the album at a staggering 400m.
Basima ogenze loosely translated, "they appreciate after you are gone" (forget that the translation is longer than the initial two words, blame it on African precision); is a jibe to hit at ingrates that sag around you or one you throw around in retrospect when you feel like your thud was not as aptly thumped to effect.
In the weeks that passed, a couple of popular people went west, and the popularity question depends on whom you ask. The generation that watches Fast and Furious will miss Paul Walker, though even a few of them always thought of him more of a supporting role and their mental faculties could the more easier conjure up anamnesis for the ripped up Vin Disel, Van Damme and the likes of them. It is not entirely eccentric to say that Walker's role (RIP) will be the easier one to fill. Another sort of Senior Justin Bieber look alike that the babes will drivel over will do just fine in the long run. ME thinks.
For the TBN die hards especially the older folk and the Christian Theologists, Paul Chrouch's exit off the twig will be the more memorable of them all. The man started arguably the biggest Christian Television Station that has not only propagated the verses of the good old book but also augmented a few profiles for all the different reasons. I hate to poke this particular rib, but most young Christians do not even know who started TBN let alone care, after all like the Billy Grahams of his day, he has not as much as been a regular face on the silver screen. But I must say kudos to such a legacy.
Madibalism is the most obscene craze that has hit us this last weekend or so. With the Drogbas causing chaos in Turkey over tribute under jerseys, blond celebs tweeting quotes by Martin Luther and attributing them to Mandela, Kanye West equating his rambunctious lyricism to spending 27 years in 46664. What was that nonsense about CNN comparing NM with JC? like seriously? smh. Twitter saying that Morgan Freeman had died because of the look alike virus hack, Obama yet again spinning a few chart topping lines, reinvented rivalries; ex-wives kissing!!(both are women btw), every social media maniac throwing in their lines...and thank goodness, a week off KCCA nonsense. Lukwago could not have chosen a worse time to shine. (Ask Ronaldo how hard it is to live in Messi's day although babes will disagree for no particular footballing reason!)
One thing I can guarantee you, we shall move on. When MJ died, we cried and moved on, when Whitney...same, same same ole. A leaf in the same book. We are who we are when u book a date with your maker, we can only see you up to the door! Our dinner might be getting cold already!

In the weeks that passed, a couple of popular people went west, and the popularity question depends on whom you ask. The generation that watches Fast and Furious will miss Paul Walker, though even a few of them always thought of him more of a supporting role and their mental faculties could the more easier conjure up anamnesis for the ripped up Vin Disel, Van Damme and the likes of them. It is not entirely eccentric to say that Walker's role (RIP) will be the easier one to fill. Another sort of Senior Justin Bieber look alike that the babes will drivel over will do just fine in the long run. ME thinks.

One thing I can guarantee you, we shall move on. When MJ died, we cried and moved on, when Whitney...same, same same ole. A leaf in the same book. We are who we are when u book a date with your maker, we can only see you up to the door! Our dinner might be getting cold already!
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