Monday, 2 December 2013

Of course u didn't win the MTN marathon, hope u won yoself a babe

If abanonya is too local for you, you should  never miss a vougy (of course the word doesn't exist) opportunity to meet a prospective suitor. No one will castigate you for wearing blinding make up before you stretch the 12 kms or so. It does not matter that you even decide to walk them. You do not need track suits to do a marathon, even a bikini will do, just make sure it is in the right colours; and if it is the MTN Marathon, yellow does the charm. Remember, you have to have your A game up. Speke road will be abandoned at this time of day, so shift business because duh..the pensioners are gonna show up. Do not forget your make up kit because I can guarantee you, that  paparazzi is gonna wanna emphasize that important people showed up after all.

Is it not about win win? Is it not about where your bread is battered.
If you are a Councillor somewhere, package some rice for the runners. ( Like seriously who eats pilao while running a marathon?!). If you run a water plant, make sure your staff works overtime to make branded litres of refreshments so that you do not miss the rare opportunity to show how benevolent you are. In fact if you run any business in town, prepare head and hand bands so that the runners are smartly dressed in your colors. For crying out, if you care, just damn get on board. KCCA will sure not tax you for taking water to Karamoja. (advertising is a rude word to use at this stage).

Be sure to carry business cards. How do you not? Every who is who will be there, because you know what? We are philanthropist and cannot miss a chance to run (/show up) for charity. Of course carry your phone otherwise where will you save the important numbers. Not that we shall have many professionals around. Let's face it, if you are not Kenyan, at least you must come from a specific hill where guys are called "Kips" and babes are called "Cheps". For the rest of us, we gotta have more noble reasons for showing up. You can even do a bike or just jazz yo babe as u walk. N pliz take pictures with Spenah beach poses yaa?

If you are a musician especially of the reptile clan, just be headlined for a little miming session just before the whistle goes. It is allowed for you to break the dress-chord, just do your signature bling and get ready for the running concert. Kati, even those babe musicians, a word. It is okay to twerk for people before they go for a marathon, because you know what? that is great motivation to fight for Karamoja's thirst!!

Anyway, my point is. Never miss an MTN marathon, because if you cannot win anything, duh you'll look at some babes if yo a guy, maybe to drool or appreciate (I am not sure where the line is drawn), if you are a babe, you will enjoy the spectacle just as much if not to emphasize your finely hour-glassed features vis a vis similar species; your french leave from the gorgeous pecking order. You don't have to be too focused, you will never make the olympic team but this is your chance to shine where you clearly do not belong. Forget about your size or lack of it, we won't judge you. Just damn run the marathon.

Just do not dare be Lukwago or Jenny Musisi when we are trying to enjoy an MTN marathon. Don't even be a Minister for Presidency. One of the above roles is just sour crap being shoved down wanainchi's throats but do we really give a D? We are Ugandans, we wanna have fun, temutukooya, get out of KCCA get a life.
Me thinks.

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