Your ref: TBA
Our ref: PEM/ Remrev/ 11/2017
Attention: Mr. Frank Gashumba alias et al,
Dear Sir,
Your recent infamous arrest refers. Your personal life and going concerns notwithstanding, I wish to bring your attention to the possible land mines and boobytraps you may have moonwalked on in the recent past. The Africans say that you should not test the depth of a river with both feet. If you had kept this in mind, it is fair to say that you would still be on the airwaves, shouting; “Togyikwatako”.
I was not aware of your kwegezamu antics until my good brother Prophet Michael Kiganda called you to order. How baptismal was the moniker, “Gafere”? The real metaphor of this puzzle is that you initiated the concept of INVESTIGATIONS! How convenient?
Despite the endless debates on whether you live in a democratic republic or not, you know well enough that there is a silent albeit overt rule on hierarchy in the real execution of duties. For example, you may abuse the leaders in this country all you want but you would not want to touch the person of the President. There is a Bermuda Triangle in that Constitution called the Fountain of honour. Maybe His Excellency evokes this trump card only in the gravest of circumstances. Yet, I submit to you that however incredible this appears, it still operates in a menial glory.
I am sure you can afford a good lawyer so I will not self-instruct. I will not delve into your options on burden of proof, res gestae, admissibility of evidence and the like. There’s however something I am sure your counsel will not have the scope or context to advise. Consider this my pro bono memo in Prophetic Science 101.
There is an extraterrestrial glory hovering over the affairs of man. To your defense, the prevailing ecclesiastical polity has not done enough to orient the wanainchi into these phenomena. They have not really gone beyond the rhyme of the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. Some however, have the good sense not to blaspheme celestial beings. This is where, you sir are considerably wanting. The Banyankitara have a saying, “Abatazimanya bazotsy’ emihaako”. I am sure you have enough linguistic filaments to decode this proverb. In the realm you tampered with, the real togyikwatako is Article 1 Chronicles 16:22. When that article is in play, be very careful my friend. A seasoned warrior is killed by stick and stone just because he bears the mark, “uncircumcised philistine”. Entire armies are drowned in seas and others flee at the sound of an illusion. You clearly thought all this stuff a fable until it showed you its nightmarish attributes.
You threw a cold piece of salad and it was served you sizzling like Chinese chicken. You may be a first born of this wrath but there’s no telling who might be next. It is not too late for you but it could get worse. Trust me when I say, there’s a lot more where that came from. I enjoyed my classes on the Canadian prairies, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and I would hate to see the empire of Jacques Cartier come tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty. “We speak to those down here, so that even those above there can hear”. I directly translated this for you, kind Sir.
Let us all be civil, yah! And please know which articles you should mess with and those you should not even allow in your dreams.
Yours sincerely,
Yours Truly,
#Remnant Revolution
#PEM life
#We expose
# Nonya Baano
#Ffuna Size Yo
#Manya wokooma
#Another one bites the dust
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