Monday, 6 November 2017



Once upon a time, a rich man who was being tormented in the afterlife asked for the Lord to send a "poor" man Lazarus from Abraham's bosom to preach to the rich man's folk on earth. The good Lord's answer was simple, "they have Moses and the prophets, if they cannot listen to them, they will not listen to one who rises from the afterlife".

Aren't many rich, may be in study, information or actual wealth? Times change, technology, egos and information plummet but in reality, people are none the wiser. It is excellence in a fallen state, knowledge after the form of the tree of good and evil. Mankind is on the same old binary divide.
You are either bowing to the cross or wallowing in the folly of a debased mind. It is still a gospel understood by fishermen, shepherds and prostitutes where scholars, kings and priests swing swords and swipe daggers. It is washing in a dirty pool , muddied eyes, costly perfume and issues of blood. It is perishing with pride or being delivered in humility. Where is the honor in what?

Jesus will come again and some will miss him, again! Angels move among us but how many of us know a sublime state outside the bottle and the fig? You may be an expert doctor, engineer, lawyer; but you are a novice at something else. The folly is in trying to give an expert opinion at what you know nothing about. David's response to his brothers is one that continues to ring true, "can't I even speak?" We know how the story ends.

Most of us are familiar with the ins and outs of the apostate culture and have perhaps made its rumblings our very own identity. As such, there aren't many in the echelons of Christendom as we know it who are genuinely schooled in spirituals, much less the faithful born and raised in the veil of stained glass steeple. Thousands of years and we have not agreed which way to baptize people, the difference between a holy and holiday; and in whose name to pray! This ignorance is bliss we relish and are quick to rally behind.

A few have chosen the way of experience rather than argument. Moses, Solomon, Daniel, Paul and many more were at the top of the intellectual chain of their day but they encountered an experience which transcended the mortal deception in their brains.

We could debate you all day if we chose to. It is not the absence of eloquence but the eclipse of it. We do not share the frustration you do because we are not struggling to make a hashtag. Some people will debate the existence of God till they make their way into a corner office in the burning afterlife. You can save a few not by arguing them hoarse but by showing them the transcendent glory of the words of this life. Some will see it, some will not and that is just as well.

While we are at it, I would like you to challenge my experience, then perhaps I can entertain your argument. Ready when you are.

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