Friday 8 May 2015

Beauty Problems episode 11

She ran her fingers through his hair but he seemed preoccupied with clerkish typing on the QWERTY keyboard. Occasionally she looked at the words filling up the monitor screen between the sky blue background but did not commit her attention entirely. Equity and Trusts was one of those indurate subjects and a coursework on sequestration exacerbated the task for most students.

Munna was arguably the brightest and most hardworking guy in the class no wonder he had printed out the 12 pages of properly cited work in three days, weeks before handing in time.

She was not about to drown her nights in endless law reports and Statutes. So on this drizzly Saturday evening, she went to St. Micheal Hostel to consult with the one authority readily available. He would probably be reading a Biography or something like that and he had always been a reliable friend. She hoped he would as often he did, edit and play around with his own work instead of dictating to her endless legalese and precedents for her to decipher. She knocked and entered, he never locked the door. He turned his head and when he saw her, he said,

“Hi, wassup?"

“Good good” she turned the key and headed to the chair. She wrapped her hands across his neck and let her perfume rub seamlessly to his cheek. He raised his arms and locked them briefly over her hair.

“What are you doing?” she asked

“Just playing some chess”

“Chilling when we are suffering with course work… ah mama”

“Waa, that one was not so complicated, so why not finish it and relax”

“ I will teach you how to relax rather than playing those dull games…naye, please first help me ko oso”

“ No problem, gimme a flash disk”

The weather had done its moiety and so he did not need much convincing. He could feel her foot ascending the outlines of his blue jeans and he clicked Ctrl + S, the Bibliography could wait. Maggie rolled over and unstrapped her tie and dye DVF wrap dress.

‪#‎to‬ be cont…

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